The Wall
The Wall
1st November - 18th December 2020
Studio of the artist, Bülowstrasse 7, Urban Nation
Berlin, Germany
Site specific installation
Fallen twigs collected at the Tiegarten in Berlin, nylon threads, nails
Site specific dimensions
During her Fresh A.I.R. residency, she wanted to explore Berlin on foot and develop her artworks on this basis. Directly before coming to the German capital in October 2020, she spent several months in an Italian region hit particularly hard by the pandemic. In Berlin the next lockdown was already looming. |...| In this city so famous for a wall, Berra responded by building precisely that, entitling her work The Wall. She gathered fallen twigs for it in the Tiergarten, carried them to her studio, and used them to construct an object resembling a reed fence. She lived with this porous and fragile, approximately 7×2 meter boundary for seven weeks. Extending diagonally across the room, it blocked Berra’s access to the windows, and she was forced to endure the emptiness of the space behind it (something also known as horror vacui in the context of art). Her feeling of being locked was thus further intensified. Using a natural material, she had created a situation that seemed entirely unnatural to her, but which she nonetheless had to endure. In this way, she artistically captured a feeling that presumably crept over many of us during the pandemic period, but only a few could express. (Kea Wienand)
Project realized during the artist residence in Berlin, thanks to the Fresh A.I.R. Scholarship Program by Stiftung Berliner Leben in collaboration with Urban Nation - Museum for Contemporary Urban Art.
The Wall
1 Novembre - 18 Dicembre 2020
Studio dell'artista presso Bülowstrasse 7, Urban Nation
Berlino, Germania
Installazione site specific
Rami caduti raccolti al Tiegarten, fili di nylon, chiodi
Dimensioni ambientali
Un fragile muro taglia il mio studio a metà, precludendomi gran parte dello spazio, lo spazio vuoto col suo horror vacui. Una barriera eterea realizzata con rami di varie piante, così innaturale per i limiti che genera. Un paesaggio interiore ispirato dalla consapevolezza dell'imminente lockdown, dalla memoria del terribile precedente e dalle suggestioni di Berlino, città del Muro, perpetuo cantiere, metropoli di parchi così spontanei e simili a boschi, così differenti dalla concezione Italiana di giardino. (Giulia Berra)
Progetto realizzato durante la Residenza d'Artista presso Urban Nation, Berlino, grazie al Fresh A.I.R. Scholarship Program della Fondazione Berliner Leben in collaborazione con Urban Nation - Museum for Contemporary Urban Art.