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Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen
Giulia Berra, Die Zeugen

Die Zeugen

Die Zeugen

March 2021

Artist studio at Bülowstrasse 7, Urban Nation

Berlin, Germany


Site specific installation

Raffia and metal rings

Site specific dimensions 




Another work also deals with bearing witness. And here again, what occupies Berra is human beings’ relationship with the environment around them and with each other. Die Zeugen (The witnesses) is the title of her site-specific installation. It consists of twelve coneshaped objects that the artist made out of untreated, brown raffia fiber. The individual elements, some of which are larger than life-size, have been arranged into a group. Each object consists of bast fibers that run vertically and are fixed to a series of rings of varying diameter before converging in a point at the top. The intractable nature of the material invests the figures with a vital and dynamic quality, as if they were growing out of the ground. The artifact known as the Berlin Gold Hat inspired the artist to create this work. This Bronze Age headgear was presumably used in the context of cultic or religious rituals. However, its form can also be found in numerous other cultures as a cultic, decorative, or utilitarian object. Even the Christmas tree has a similar silhouette. The form is thus present and accessible in the cultural history of the world—just as the material used for her objects (fiber made from palm leaves) is to be found in nature. As a result, the installation is not only site-specific, but also global, and it develops its own distinctive poetry that touches viewers and draws them under its spell. (Kea Wienand)


Projects realized during the artist residence in Berlin, thanks to Fresh A.I.R. Scholarship Program di Stiftung Berliner Leben in collaboration with Urban Nation Museum for Urban Contemporary Art.





Die Zeugen

Marzo 2021

Studio dell'artista presso Bülowstrasse 7, Urban Nation

Berlino, Germania


Installazione site specific di dodici elementi scultorei

Raffia, metallo,

Dimensioni ambientali




Dodici coni di rafia, dodici corni dorati si ergono nella stanza come presenze totemiche o sentinelle misteriose. Liberamente ispirati al Berliner Gold Hut conservato al Neues Museum, copricapo rituale dalla complessa lettura astrologica, riecheggiano il folcklore globale e le tipiche decorazioni intrecciate tedesche, simboleggiando la connessione con un immaginifico passato ancestrale e l'armonia con i cicli naturali.

Progetto realizzato durante la Residenza d'artista a Berlino, grazie alla Fresh A.I.R. Scholarship di Stiftung Berliner Leben in collaborazione con Urban Nation Museum for Urban Contemporary Art.








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