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Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors; The Passengers
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, Green Doors
Giulia Berra, The Passengers
Giulia Berra, The Passengers

Green Doors

Green Doors

Bülowstrasse 4, 103; Postdamerstrasse 157; Alvenlebenstrasse 3

Berlin, Germany

Site specific installation of drawings 

Oil pastels on cardboards cut and pinned on building doors

Site specific dimensions 


The Passengers

Alvenlebenstrasse 3

Berlin, Germany

Site specific installation 

Corylus Colurna, ropes, nails

Site specific dimensions 


Engaging with locally available and natural resources also provides the point of departure for the series of drawings entitled Green Doors. Impressed by Berlin’s vegetation, Berra took several photos of spontaneously growing plants: plants that sow their own seeds and thus emerge—suddenly, so to speak—between sidewalk slabs, in open areas, or in unused flower beds. Berra developed these into oil pastel drawings, which she cut out and hung on the doors of four buildings in Berlin-Schöneberg. The street thus became a kind of herbarium, a botanical collection. Berra wanted to draw the attention of the people living there to those little, unremarkable things in their surroundings that briefly emerge and then disappear again— similarly to her drawings, which were only fleetingly pinned in place. She then drew the doors with the drawings: These images bear witness to the artist’s action, which, like the plants, was itself ephemeral. Berra uses her artistic practice to track down phenomena that are unremarkable but full of meaning and can stimulate diverse thoughts and emotions. (Kea Wienand)

The site specific installation, inspired by the decorations of the building, enforces the idea of passage between the street, with its plants, and the secret green heart of the house with a constellation of spiky fruits as strange planets or threatening creatures and suspended hope.

Projects realized during the artist residence in Berlin, thanks to Fresh A.I.R. Scholarship Program di Stiftung Berliner Leben in collaboration with Urban Nation Museum for Urban Contemporary Art.


Thanks to Gewobag and (Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands, Landesvernand Berlin-BrandeburgKdöR) for the  permissions



Green Doors

Bülowstrasse 4, 103; Postdamerstrasse 157; Alvenlebenstrasse 3

Berlino, Germania

Installazioni site specific di disegni

Pastelli ad olio su cartoncini appuntati su portoni d'ingresso

Dimensioni ambientali


The Passengers

Alvenlebenstrasse 3

Berlino, Germania


Installazione site specific 

Corylus Colurna, corde,chiodi

Dimensioni ambientali 


Il progetto si articola in una serie di installazioni site specific su portoni nel quartiere di Schöneberg, che vengono ricoperti da effimeri disegni su cartoncino ritagliato riproducenti piante spontanee del distretto. Questi, simili a illustrazioni botaniche, imitano delle vere erbacce lo spuntare e il propagarsi in spazi marginali, interstiziali, liminari, e come esse danzano nel vento.

Ogni porta, ogni androne, diventa erbario urbano e confine fra spazio umano e ambientale, paesaggio interiore ed esteriore, generando riflessioni sulla presenza delle piante in città e sulla loro forza, sulla poesia delle piccole cose e la transitorietà della bellezza e della vita. Vi è un'idea di passaggio, resistenza, connessione con la Natura, certamente, ma anche provvisorietà e perdita.
L'installazione site specific, ispirata dalle decorazioni del palazzo, rafforza l'idea di passaggio fra il viale esterno e il cortile alberato interno, con una costellazione di frutti puntuti quali strani pianeti, creature minacciose o speranze sospese.
Progetto realizzato durante la Residenza d'artista a Berlino, grazie alla Fresh A.I.R. Scholarship di Stiftung Berliner Leben in collaborazione con Urban Nation Museum for Urban Contemporary Art.


Si ringraziano Gewobag e (Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands, Landesvernand Berlin-BrandeburgKdöR) per le autorizzazioni concesse




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